As part of our lecture series, Cindy will be speaking on this topic Thursday, April 25, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at our office – 530 W. Ojai Avenue, Suite 107. Click Here for Details on Cindy’s Lecture (The following is an excerpt from the full article by Cindy Z. Hansen, copyright 2012) Difficulty starting a task, staying [Read More]
Summer Slide ~ Not As Fun As It Sounds ~ By Gloria Ellis, M.A.
The term “summer slide” sounds like a lot more fun than it is! It isn’t a dance move or an amusement park ride. This term refers to the loss of academic skills that occurs over the summer months and it is particularly impactful to students with limited access to educational materials and opportunities. Students who [Read More]
Professional Profile: Michaela Gordon
Possessing a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Michaela Gordon offers a collection of therapeutic options to children with Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration Disorders. She looks at the whole child and the whole family. Taking theories and treatment concepts learned over years of practice, she utilizes those tools in ways that are unique to [Read More]
Is it AD/HD? By Gloria Ellis, M.A.
As the parent of a child with many learning challenges, the topic of AD/HD has often been discussed in my home. Like many other parents of children who exhibit difficulties with attention and focus, my husband and I have debated the issue of using medication to help our child function more successfully in school, at [Read More]
Professional Profile: Lori Boehm
Lori J. Boehm is a Special Education Consultant who advocates for children with special needs. Lori received her B.S. in Child Development/Special Education from California State University, Fullerton. She received a certificate of completion in the Special Education Advocacy Training (SEAT) Project and has served as a board member of the Ventura County Autism Society. [Read More]