There are many reasons to prioritize summer learning, but countering the summer slide is a big one! The term “summer slide” refers to the loss of academic skills that occurs over the summer. Students who do not participate in educational activities in the summer can lose months of learning in reading and math. While standardized test scores indicate that all types of students decrease in their academic skills over the summer, struggling learners are among those who are particularly vulnerable to this learning loss. When school is out, it is up to parents to provide the appropriate learning materials and opportunities for their children!
Understandably, many well-meaning parents simply want to give their struggling students a break over the summer; however, this can end up doing far more harm than good! Rather than look at the summer as a time to “take a break” from academic learning, parents would do better to embrace summer as an opportunity to close the learning gaps! Their children can sustain or even accelerate their progress from the school year, while other students are plateauing or experiencing that “summer slide.” Why would you take a break just as your goal is fixed, or even getting closer? However, unfortunately, students with learning challenges often avoid summer learning opportunities and thus experience a greater loss of learning than their peers, resulting in larger academic gaps at the start of the school year- and the cycle continues….
Our goal is to help end this cycle! Each summer, Lighthouse Learning Solutions offers up to ten weeks of intensive learning opportunities to children of all ages in our community. We use research-based methodology to dramatically increase skills in the areas of reading fluency, reading comprehension, mathematics, written expression, language skills, study skills, and more.
Contact us or submit a learning support inquiry to learn more. Let’s make the difference of a lifetime this summer!
Updated 02/03/2023
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